Frequent Questions
Are there extra charges for certain modules? What do I get when I sign up?
You get everything we have to offer. All modules and features are included with your subscription. We don't charge extra for any individual features.
Are there extra charges for updates to the system and how frequent are your updates?
We never charge for updates and never will. We get a lot of feedback from our user community, as well as other real estate professionals, so we are continually improving to be even more comprehensive, yet remaining simple to use.
Is there a limit to how many accounts I can enter and is there a limit to how much data or documents I can store?
There is no limit to the amount of accounts you can add and there is generally no limit to how much information you can upload and store. We do have common sense restrictions in terms of the size of the files that can be uploaded, but we are very flexible in terms of what is allowed.
Can I store inspection videos, scanned images such as pictures of properties, financial documents or contracts?
One of the original goals in engineering Manage Insight was to get you as close to paperless as humanly possible. Our system has been described by some as more of a document management system than anything else. Within virtually every data point of the system, we enable you to upload and store documents against that data point. You can store and classify documents, videos and images at the owner level, resident level, property level, work order level, vendor level, property ledger level, inspection level, violation level and several more. Every document related to your various data points can be stored and categorized at that level. Never lose another document, never lose the complete property paper trail again, always have all of your data available anywhere, anytime, from any device.
How secure is my information and where is it stored?
There is nothing more important to us than the security and integrity of your data. Our servers are housed within a secure data center with 24-hour surveillance. Our software and infrastructure is updated regularly with the latest security patches. The traffic on our networks flow behind enterprise-class firewalls to keep your data safe and all data transactions are EXTENDED VALIDATION SSL encrypted between you on the outside and our servers.
Do you share my account or data information with others?
Absolutely NOT in any circumstance, EVER. We will never share your information with anyone else.
Can anyone else access my data?
All user accounts are password protected. Employees and contractors of Manage Insight are bound by strict confidentiality agreements and only our most trusted engineers have access to our database environments.